Shipping Policy

Please allow 1-2 weeks for your order to be processed and shipped. Your tracking number will be confirmed as soon as the package ships.

We cannot guarantee shipping by a certain date but we will try our hardest to to process and fulfill your order as quickly as possible! - Latinopreneur Team

Return & Exchange Policy

Full refunds can be offered up to 14 days after the package has been delivered. Sale and worn items are unfortunately not returnable.

Returned items must be in its original, unused, unaltered and unwashed condition, and must be returned with original tags and packaging. *At this time please contact us via email or DM for any immediate issues or concerns regarding returns.*

Product Availability

Although availability may be indicated on our site, we cannot guarantee product availability or immediate delivery. We reserve the right, without liability or prior notice to revise, discontinue, or cease to make available any or all products or to cancel any order.

U.S. Shipping

All U.S. shipping goes through USPS and price is determined by weight of the package.

 Customer Care

Making sure our customers are well taken care of and providing the highest quality of customer service is our number one goal at Latinopreneur. We will always aim to ensure that any product or service that we offer is easily and readily accessible by all our customers and members. We strive to create an environment of dignity, equality, and respect for all people through both our online and physical presence. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any area of Latinopreneur feel free to contact us via email at and we will be sure to answer your request or concern in a timely fashion. 

Privacy & Safety

Here at Latinopreneur, we recognize that you care how information about you is used and shared and respects your privacy. This Privacy Policy describes what information we may collect from you, how we collect that information, how we use that information, and the choices you have regarding your information. By using our website, mobile applications, or providing information to us in other ways, you agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy.

We collect and store information that you provide to us through our websites, in our stores, through our customer service representatives, at events, through mobile applications, through marketing efforts, including contests, sweepstakes and events, and through third parties, or any other way we interact with you.

We may request, collect and store some or all of the following types of personal information: name, billing address, shipping address, e-mail address, telephone number, financial and payment information, such as credit card number and expiration date, gender, personal interests, birthday, information about a third party you provide when we ship an order. We may also maintain a record of your product interest and purchases.

You also may choose to withhold personal information but you may miss out on certain capabilities and information  such as newsletters, contests, events etc. that we may offer on our website. 

This Privacy Policy was lasted updated 9/14/21 and may be updated from time to time. Please check back periodically for further updates and changes. The most updated version will be the one that is available on this website.

Payment Methods

• Credit / Debit Cards
• PAYPAL, Google Pay